Connect with people through music

Login with Spotify to create your MusicBuddy profile and get matched with people with a similar music taste. It is 100% free!

I allow MusicBuddy to access and use the email address associated with my Spotify account to create a MusicBuddy account
By logging in you agree to our Terms of service, Privacy policy & Use of cookies

MusicBuddy features

Here are some of the features we offer.


We will analyze your top artists, songs & genres to find other users with a similar music taste. After that we'll show you their profile so you can make a connection.

Spotify statistics

MusicBuddy allows you to view your Spotify listening statistics. You can view your top artists, top tracks & top genres in a specific timerange.

Share with friends

We make it easy for you to share your top artists, top tracks & genres. You can either share your MusicBuddy profile or use our artsy image generation.

Privacy first

You are in control of what information you want others to see. You can opt-out and delete all your data anytime.